Nam June Paik Library temporary change of opening hours
Thank you for using Nam June Paik Library. To prepare for Nam June Paik Library policy changes, opening hours of the library shall be temporarily changed from July 1st, 2019 to September 30th, 2019, as following:
Changes | Current | Future |
Opening Hours | Tue – Sun 10:00-17:00 Closed on every Monday |
Tue – Sun 13:00-17:00 Closed on every Monday |
※ Membership Loan and Zerox Copy service shall be temporarily terminated in the mean time.
Our apology for causing any inconvenience.
We look forward to meeting you with new library policy.
Thank you.
■ Inquiry
-Nam June Paik Library
Korea Open Government License
Attribution (BY), Non-commercial (NC), No Derivative Works (ND)